Sunday, September 15, 2013

How it all began. 

 Young Michelle Annette Ruark
Michelle's maiden name ends in ARK. 
Maybe that was a hint to what her womb would become.

Young James Robert Duggar 
The Duggar surename is of German, Irish, Scottish origin. Duggar 
was a name for a well-meaning person or "do-gooder."  We know
he do-good at baby making. 

Michelle and Jim Bob met when Jim Bob paid a visit to Michelle's house
to spread the word. He was smitten with Michelle at first sight. She was more interested in the word.
After Michelle graduated from high school she married Jim Bob. Michelle was 17 and J.B. was 19.
The first four years of their marriage was spent working hard. They owned a car lot, opened
and closed a convenience store, and dabbled in real estate. They also took the pill to avoid babies. 

Eventually, they decided it was time to have a baby and Josh happened. Boooooo! 
Michelle went back on the pill. She later had a miscarriage which she blames on
 the pill, so she went off the pill..... forever!
 Then this happened.

As of Sept. 2013,
 Jim Bob and Michelle have 19 children and 3 grandchildren.
You did good Duggar. They are all cute clones of you and Michelle. 
Except Josh. Something odd happened to that one.

To be continued......


  1. Thank you for your blog. I really appreciate the time and energy put into it (and your FB page). I have been curious about the Duggars and their ilk . . . Someone needs to keep an eye on these people!!!

  2. Thank you for reading my pages. They are a fascinating brood. I will try to be fair here and on fb. I understand a lot of where they are coming from in their beliefs even though I don't agree with them. I am hoping they will start to understand where the rest of us are coming from, and no Dugggars, it's not from Satan.

  3. The last pic is from 2011. No Michael yet.

    Thanks for setting up the blog. It will be easier to read posts and for you to monitor things.

    1. Thanks, I still want to change things here a bit. I can't quite figure out all the little details I want to put in. Hopefully, I figure it out fast since the new season starts tonight.

  4. You may want to consider moderated comments to avoid flame wars. Your blog, your rules; I support whatever you decide.

    1. I've thought of that and I decided to wait and see what happens. No flaming around here people! The Family Research Council will make up inflammatory lies about you. ;)

  5. Wow! A young Michelle and Josie look quite a bit alike! Also, one of the little boys looks like a young Michelle, too..Justin maybe?

  6. I think a young Michelle and Josie look very much a like. I like your blog!
